Truth, Belief, Myth

When I started this post, I thought of Truth. Anybody seen the Crucible? The Salem Witch Trials? They’re still going on you know? 3500 cases nationwide. One was just finished about two months ago. The witch was acquited. eLG struck again and got revenge. The real story of Salem is interesting also. Much of it is untold. The proctors had tied the “witches” up behind a wagon and were dragging them around the township. The men in Salisbury challanged the proctors rescued the women, tied the proctors up behind the wagon and stampeded the horses. At this point the Governor sent a representative to find out WTF. The husbands of the “witches” went to Salisbury to get their wives and were told “Piss off, gentle persons, when thee can defend thy wives thee may retreive them, till then thee may jerk off, jerk offs. Come back and we’ll get meideval on your sorry arses” (something like that) Amish Paradise

Anyhow, back to the main point. What exactly is truth? Turns out it is different for each person. Each individual is unique, with his own triumphs and trageties. Dogma is TRUTH. But there are many truths. So what is my truth?

The relationship between belief and knowledge is that a belief is knowledge if the belief is true and if the believer has a justification (reasonable and necessarily plausible assertions/evidence/guidance) for believing it is true. A myth, on the other hand is an unprovable or implausible belief. Thus a belief may be either a truth or a myth. For instance, England is to me a belief and a truth (been there, done that, bought the T-shirt) As is Germany, Chad, France, Singapore etc. On the other hand Gibralter, Columbia, Tasmania are beliefs (never been there) there is a remote possibility they are myths. Atlantis, Wu, Eldorado, Valhalla, are non-beliefs with a remote possibility that they are not myths. With this in mind, my belief system follows;
True – ANN, unANN,
Belief – Lattice, Taboo, Centering
Myth – psychology, sociology, capitalism, politics
The mind is not a mental abstract in isolation. It is a cork floating on a turbulent sea, buffeted by waves, undertows, high winds, doldrums, whirlpools. The mind’s job is to cope with this troubled sea in a timely manner. Man is just DNA’s way of making more man DNA. This “purpose” is evident in all life. IE the purpose of a chicken’s DNA is to make more chicken DNA. By extension the “purpose” of life is to make more life.

One Response to “Truth, Belief, Myth”

  1. Well, the parts that I understand seem correct. :)

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