Archive for butt

Marathon Man

Posted in Cosmos with tags , , , on July 25, 2010 by ellocogringo

Ever wonder why our gluteous is so maximus? Damn, we’ve got a big butt don’t we? It turns out that it is only useful in running and rising from a squat. There have been a number of studies addressing this issue. Turns out a barefoot human in good shape can run about 20 miles on stored energy. By contrast a horse can run about 7. Seems a human can run a horse into the ground, if they leave their Nikes in the closet. Rising up from a squat would seem a useful adaptation in the savannah to spot predators and prey. It would also serve as a species marker, so we wouldn’t accidentally mate with a chimp. I’ve never heard of it (but then, that’s something you’d tend to keep to yourself isn’t it?)

Exactly, the built in logic flaw in the brain. This guy is smart. It took me years to see that.